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Live Performance, DJ Set


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Formazione e membri


  • Solista


Stefano Artini
 -  Console, Laptop


150 - 1000


SINO BIOGRAPHY Stefano Artini, aka Sino, was born on the November, 3rd 1988 in Tione di Trento (TN, Italy). He is an Italian dj and musician. In the perdiod between 2005 and 2015 he worked as sound engeneer and light technician for ADM Service. In 2009 Sino moved to Trento to study philosophy. There, he met Marco Benatti, aka Loran. They jointlycreated an electronic music project called Vetsera in 2011. In the same year, he started to attend the music school "CDM" of Rovereto and he attended the electronic music lessons held by the teacher Luca Fronza. In 2011, Vetsera is one of the finalist of the competition "Suoni Universitari". The following year they're the winners of another competition called "Bersi la Musica" in Veneto. In 2012(?), he moved to Bologna, where he started cooperating with Soundlab as sound engeneer and sound designer. He created the soundtrack for a documentary called "Il dirigibile" and a short film called "Tellurica - racconti dal cratere" directed by Giuseppe Ferreri. He collaborated on the album Revolution, Rivoluzione, Revolucao of Nilza Costa. Sino and Loran started to attend the musical enviroment of Bologna and in this period they met Andrea Vecchio and partecipated to the Electric Lorem events. The electronic duo was hosted on a radio show called "Maccheroni Elettronici" (Electronic Macaroni) on radio Città del Capo. In the same period he started to feel the need of a solo project (Sino). In the period between 2014 and 2015 he worked on his first EP "Supergeography" that is composed by four tracks: Supergeography (single), Antihistory, Ultramath and Ipolenguage . In 2016 he worked on the video clip for the song Supergeography with director Cugino Benatti and actress and set designer Barbara Facchini. The videoclip was awarded at the Berlin Music Awards. In 2017 he moved to Barcelona, ​​looking for new energy and new opportunities for his work. In 2019 He gets in touch with the Bridge 48 studio, where he meets Dj producer David Amo. He later got in contact with The Bass Valley studio, where he formed a strong connection with the engineer Alan Lockwood. Together they worked on the new draft of Supergeography EP. In 2020, due to the pandemic and other reasons, he returns to Italy. He began working as a DJ teacher at the CDM school in Rovereto and in several schools in South Tyrol for a project funded by the European Union. In 2021, he participates to the European Tour Music Fest The European Music Contest, winning the first prize in the DJ Producer category.



Ho avuto il piacere di esibirmi su palchi molto diversi in varie location europee. Mi sono esibito molto a Barcellona in vari Club e in feste private. Inoltre ho avuto modo di fare molta esperienza in teatro.


Sono prevalentemente da solo, ma posso includere partecipazioni di altri musicisti. collaboro spesso con un amico Dj e una violoncellista cantante.


Posso offrire un live set proprio, della durata di un, ora e mezza circa e vari DJ Set sempre in ambito elettronico per un massimo di 3 ore.

Logistica e attrezzature

Preferisco trovare l'impianto già installato, ma posso comunque affittarne diversi tipi da un service di fiducia. Molto importante per la mia performance è un tavolo grande almeno 1m X 2m. Corrente elettrica e monitor per l'ascolto.

Montaggio e spostamenti

Dipende dal setup stabilito. Posso avere semplicemente un laptop e un controller, essendo quindi molto flessibile, come una consolle professionale e strumenti aggiuntivi, complicando di conseguenza lo spostamento.

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Lascia una recensione
  • Claudio S.

    28/2/2023, Summer Session 2022

    Stefano Artini aka Sino ha portato sul palco del Summer Session (Rovereto TN) 2022 una performance di musica elettronica e visual art davvero impressionante. Ha aperto il concerto ad Amelie Duchow con un live set di un'ora e mezza, facendo ballare la piazza. Consiglio vivamente!

    Qualità della musica


